Comments Policy

On this page negativity is not an option. As people and women especially it is important for us to uplift one another and to positively endorse and support each other. We encourage the sharing of ideas and personal preferences, however no tolerance will be given to racial, discriminatory, or hurtful remarks of any kind. We ask that  when commenting we are respectful to one another. Thank you in advance for respecting this comments policy.

Disclosure Policy

  • This site is a source of income for us and therefore will be used from time to time to promote other businesses, events, products and services.
  • We will only promote products and services that have been personally used by us and that we feel are beneficial to our followers.
  • We will always give our genuine opinion about any product or service we endorse wether we are working in conjunction with another vendor or being paid to do so.
  • Our number one priority is the trust of our followers and we will not risk our integrity for any amount of money.

Privacy Policy

Our site uses cookies in order to track user interests, as we allow google ads to be viewed thru our site. Cookies can be disabled through the toolbar or your web browser. We do not share the contact information captured by signing up for any of our newsletters or purchases with any third party sources. We will not be responsible for the sharing of any content on this site that is used without written permission from us.

This policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on 30 March 2019.