Setting Your Dinner Table In 6 Easy Steps!

What’s the Correct Way to set a Dinner Table?

Hi guys, I have gotten a few emails asking about the correct way to set a formal table setting. As I always say there is really no wrong way to do something. It’s your way and then … everybody else’s way lol. Then I figured I could be a bit more helpful than just saying ‘Do it however you feel like doing it’ right? So I went and saw the lovely Latanya at R&R Decorations and asked her to do a video with us showing us how she creates the perfect dinner table. Check it out!



I hope you guys enjoyed that video, Latanya is an excellent teacher! She also gave us an image that she uses during her workshops to assist people in remembering where everything goes. I’ve included it below.  It is a very helpful tool to have.

example of dinner table setting
Guide for setting your dinner table


Send us a Photo!

I am always interested in how others set up their dinner tables for special occasions. Send us a photo of how you set your ‘perfect’ dinner table to in the subject line put “my perfect dinner table setting”.

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