How are you Living?

There are many habits and daily tasks that we do every day that contribute to our lifestyle. Perhaps one of the most important of them is home cooking. Home cooking plays a major role in how we live. The influence of home cooking effects our spending, health and family life.  

Do you eat out more than three times a week?

If you answered yes to this question then eating out has become a part of your lifestyle and chances are, you have a poor diet and are spending a ton of money on eating out. This is also the case if you eat lots of frozen foods like chicken nuggets and pizza, or canned foods like Chef boyardee on a regular basis. Most of these types of foods are very high in sodium and full of unhealthy preservatives AND  they are also expensive!

You are probably sitting there saying, but i order from the healthy part of the menu. Negative! Don’t believe everything you read on a restaurant menu. There is a very good chance, that those ‘healthy’ choices are cooked in the same reused oil as the rest of the food or that they are made with ingredients that are processed and not fresh. Bottom line we really don’t have any control over these factors, which can contribute to health related issues and poor diet when we eat out.


the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc.,that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.

The Benefits to Home Cooking

The health benefits to home cooking are enormous. When you are able to pick your own fresh ingredients and choose the best methods of cooking to ensure , you have control over everything you eat, now that is living! In contrast many restaurants are using fatty meats and deep frying most of their dishes in the same oil, because it works out to be cheaper for them.

Ever wonder why, after dieting or doing one of these six week weight loss eating programs , that tell you what to eat and you lose 10 -15 lbs in a flash, you end up gaining all the weight back? I’ll tell you why, it’s because those programs are so far from the way you normally eat and live and if you are honest the only way to continue to eat like that is to change your lifestyle. Home cooking can help you to incorporate, clean and healthy eating into a part of everyday living. The trick to sticking to a healthy eating regime, is being prepared and Home cooking and meal planning  go hand in hand.

In many cultures food and cooking are what brings families together.For years home cooks have played an essential part in bringing their families together with healthy and delicious meals, prepared at home with fresh ingredients and lots of love. Many a family tradition is centered around food. Whether it is a family recipe or dinners on holidays and special occasions, Home cooking brings families together!


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