Last Night A Cheeseboard Saved My Life!

Literally ! Have you ever gotten a call from your girlfriends out of the blue saying they are on their way over to hang out ? Of course you can’t say no, don’t come, right?  So you say sure come over . Then if you are anything like me, you hang up the phone and go into panic mode . What on earth am I going to feed them?!
As my Papa would say ‘The main thing is not to panic’ . A cheeseboard is my go to last minute snack / meal for unexpected guests.

Cheeseboards are so quick and easy, almost effortless and there is no wrong or right way to do them . Plus who doesn’t like a cheeseboard . It’s full of variety. You can have a little of this and a little of that. The biggest advantage of creating a cheeseboard is, that you don’t even have to break a sweat. No pots and pans to wash after none of that!

simple cheeseboard for two

This is a board I threw together when I had a last minute guest turn up a few weeks ago . Perfect for two people . As you can see its full of all kinds of treats. Best part is it literally took me ten minutes to do. So Easy.

cheeseboard with jams, and assorted crackers and soft and hard cheeses with dried fruits and salty meats.
pulling together ingredients for a cheeseboard






Here is another board I put together when I had some advance notice. This board served 12 hungry women after work for a private happy hour social I hosted.

Cheeseboard with red and green grapes , assorted crackers, pepperoni, chorizo,  Spanish almonds, dried cranberries, dried apricots, fig and quince flavored fruit for cheeses, olives, aged manchego cheese, blue cheese, aged english white cheddar and truffle cheese.


Build Your Own Cheeseboard

Here is a list of some of my favorite ingredients ,that can help you make a beautiful cheese board for those friends who just drop in or even for those planned get togethers with friends.

A variety of cheeses

  • hard , soft , spreadable

Salty treats

  • prosciutto and salami , pepperoni, chorizo, olives

Assorted breads

  • stick bread , Foccacia , toasted breads

A variety of crackers

  • some flavored and some plain


  • craisins , dried fruits, grapes


  • dry roasted or salted

Raw veggies

  • celery sticks and carrots sticks


  • salsa , ranch dip, honey , spicy mustard, tapenade, fruit jams for cheese
Cheeseboard for a gathering of 12 people

Remember there are NO rules when it comes to a cheeseboard, it can be anything you want it to be.


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